Youth Making Ripples International Youth Film Festival
When: April 21, 2023 5:00 PM
Where: Florida Keys Marine Sanctuary Eco-Discovery Center, 35 E. Quay Rd, Key West, FL 33040
To kick off Earth Day weekend, Mote Marine Laboratory is hosting the “Youth Making Ripples” International Youth Film Festival on Friday evening at the Florida Keys Marine Sanctuary Eco-Discovery Center at 35 E. Quay Rd. in Key West.
The film competition that debuted in 2014 is open to kindergarten through college students from around the world to display their creative talents to serve as a voice for our oceans. The films, all five minutes or less, range in topics from local marine threats or concerns to a specific call to action for marine conservation.
Doors open for the event at 5 p.m., followed at 5:30 p.m. by a ribbon-cutting ceremony for Mote’s updated coral restoration exhibit inside the center, followed by the film festival at 6 p.m. in the center’s theater.
Admission is free.