Kelly McGillis Classic

When: January 24 - January 30, 2023

Where: Key West, FL 33040

The 30th Annual Kelly McGillis Classic will be held from January 24-31, 2022 in Key West, Florida. This special event is open exclusively to female athletes and will feature competitions in Girls’ International Championship, Women’s International Championship, and World Challenge Games.

The Classic is open to girls aged 9 and older, and women of all skill levels. The event offers IWFFA 8 on 8, semi-contact flag football, which is the style of flag football most inclusive for all body types and skill levels. There will be a minimum of 4 games guaranteed for women’s teams, with a spot in the tournament playoffs included. Girls and juniors playing in the event are guaranteed a minimum of 3 games.

Awards will be given out to teams and individuals for Most Valuable Player on Offense and Defense, as well as an All-Star team for each division of play. In addition, the Porter Wilson Award will be given out to the person who has done the most for female flag football. This prestigious award is in honor of Mr. Porter Wilson, the inventor and founder of Flag-A-Tag belts & flags.

The World Challenge Game is a special competition that follows the tournament competition. In this game, our International All Stars will compete against our U.S.A. All Star teams. Half Time games will also be held during the tournament, inviting players and fans the chance to partake in the fun competitions such as tug a war, furthest football throw, longest kick, and wheel barrel races.

Flag Football Clinics will be held for individuals who want to learn how to officiate, play, and coach flag football. Beginners are welcome to join our player clinics and then play in the tournament competition to practice newly learned flag football skills. International teams are invited to bring their team the week before the tournament to train and get ready to compete in the tournament.

The Kelly McGillis Classic is more than just a flag football event. It is an opportunity for female athletes from all over the world to meet, bond, and learn from each other. There will also be a Women’s International Flag Football Conference held during the event, where representatives from different countries and states can discuss issues, concerns, highlights, and goals for female flag football around the world.

On the last day of the event, there will be a Parade on Duval Street where teams will march and hold their nation’s flags. This is a great opportunity to see the different countries represented at the Kelly McGillis Classic and to get excited for the tournament competition.

We hope to see you at the 30th Annual Kelly McGillis Classic!
